Pinterest UK commissioned thy.self to create an opportunity for the tech platform to engage in an intimate meeting with the UK’s WOC influencer community. Through this handcrafted event, thy.self helped Pinterest establish a voice and presence amongst WOC content creators of the UK. Together, we succeeded in bringing together the UK's community of female content creators of colour and giving them the opportunity to tell their own story of what diversity, beauty and representation means/ looks like to them and how they can maximise and own the credits to their careers, content, ideas, visions etc using Pinterest and solidifying the platform as a supporter of women of colour.

'Beauty for them. Beauty by them' was the concept and theme for our brunch event in central London. 

By creating the ultimate beauty space within thy.self’s vision, we uplifted the community who have very rarely been catered for in a space like this before. Attendees confidence in creating new content, networking with other influencers and creators who they have never met before (even in London) and learn/ swap Pinterest techniques to build their brand and presence in 2020 grew beyond all KPIs set.




Youth Skill Day 2020